As we are constantly bombarded with social media, sometimes I feel we need to step back and really think before we speak or type in this situation. I have noticed no matter what the post is referring to someone will post something negative particularly on large media sites such as news affiliates or network show pages. I really don't understand what has caused people to be so hateful. Is it the overload of social media and people's inability to really think before they speak. A great example is a news site posting about the President something non-politic related and people go crazy. What happened to the days of supporting our leadership? Just because you don't like him or his ideas he is the President and we need to stop be so negative. If you don't like his policies write him an e-mail or a letter. Better yet contact your state representative and let him do his job of protecting your interests in Washington D.C. I do believe that they should be held responsible for their actions, but I don't believe posting that someone is an 'idiot' makes anything better. Let the people in Washington do their jobs and hopefully they will get to the bottom of it and hold any politicians responsible for their actions. If not, then we need to reexamine our government and find a way to hold them responsible. This would not be a party problem it would be a politician problem.
To move to a more recreational negativity, why do people post mean negative comments on celebrities or even shows facebook page or twitter sites. If you don't like a character in a show you can choose not to watch it and trust me the writers will get the message if their show is loosing support. Celebrities are the worst role models, they post things on twitter and then apologize and delete. However, screen shots eliminate it being erased completely. I know I am not going to change how people treat each other either publicly or privately. However, maybe me writing this and putting it out there we can try to remember how things we say or type can not be taken back. It is amazing how a stranger can make you feel wonderful by noting how young you look, how they love your outfit.
I just hope that I myself can step back and try to be positive to my friends, family and even strangers. We need positivity in the world more than ever and we can do it one person at a time. Just because you disagree with someones politics or even religion doesn't mean you can be friends with them. We learn from one another and just caring for someone for them and not their beliefs or politics is what friendship is all about. Diversity makes the United States unique, we have multiple ideas and it is important to maintain the balance. Honestly if we could combine all ideas to make a better place that is the purpose of diversity.
Don't hate on a character on a show because of how they writers wrote their characters...if you don't like it don't watch. Don't go to their page and write hateful comments. Don't hate political leaders because of their party, disagree with their politics but you don't have to be hateful about it. Whether past or present political leaders they have a tough job making decisions. They should be held accountable for their decisions but you don't have to post negative comments on their page or a news page to get a point across. We are all entitled to our opinions and it is important to express it but if someone disagrees with you then don't just assume they are wrong. It is their choice to make their own opinions. We live in a country that majority rules that is how we elect our leaders and that truly is a the strongest form to put our political ideas in office, elect officials who believe in the same ideals that you believe in and if you politician doesn't win you need to accept that and find ways to still have your opinions heard without being hateful. A politicians job is to support all of the people they are representing whether you voted for them or not.
On the last note, social media can be a positive thing to get ideas out. Sadly, many times it turns into an invitation for negativity to plague a site trying to express their ideas. There is a way to discuss politics and even religion if you are open minded. It doesn't mean you have to change your stance on an issue just listen. There is so much anger in this world and using it trying to get a point across does not mean you will change anyone's minds on the topic.
Every person in the world is unique. Just because they don't have the same views as us or even the majority, doesn't mean that the idea is bad. Everyone should take responsibility for their actions and decisions, including politicians. So let's be nice and support our leaders and each other. Stand for justice when people do wrong, but help them learn from the things they did wrong. It will make a better place for everyone.
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